Archery » Mandatory Personal Bow Tune-Up Information

Mandatory Personal Bow Tune-Up Information

For safety reasons, archers who choose to shoot their personal bows at practice and/or tournaments must have their bows tuned up each year. BMS Archery highly recommends Timberwolf Archery to do the tune-up and any maintenance that may be needed through the year. We have secured the best possible prices. If you find somewhere that offers the same services cheaper, let us know and we will discuss with Timberwolf.
All forms are linked on the right side of this page. Please review these prior to taking your bow for a tune-up.  
If the coaches do not receive the completed maintenance form by the first day of tryouts [that date is to be announced], archers are required to use a school bow until we receive the form. 
**Timberwolf Archery has copies of the form in their shop** 

Timberwolf Archery


Genesis Bow tune-up includes inspection of:

Bow strings
Axle to axle length
String is also heat-waxed


Upon pick up, the bow is adjusted to meet the specific needs of each archer.