Annette Holloway » Grading Resources

Grading Resources

Grading Scale
90-100     A
80-89       B
70-79       C
60-69       D
0-59         F
Students and parents can keep track of Math progress through the online Skyward platform.  Grades will be reported in two categories:  
-Summative grades (60%) will include all concept checks and tests given at the end of a topic that "sum up" how much the students learned.
-Formative grades (40%) will include daily classwork, tasks, mathematical practice performance, online practice assignments, etc. that students complete while "forming" their understanding of a math skill. 
* See below for more detailed info.*
In Skyward, there are two categories that calculate the final grade in math.  The Summative Category (60%) is broken down by standard and will show you the mastery level your student has with each particular skill that we have tested over thus far in math.  A student is able to improve upon this grade by continuing to practice this skill and demonstrate further mastery of the concept at a later date.  Students that would like to improve a Summative grade simply need to ask Mrs. Holloway for additional practice before completing a new assessment over the particular skill.  Scores will not be finalized for each standard grade until the Report Card is issued at the end of each quarter. 
In the Formative Category (40%) there are two different types of grades:  Skills Practice and Math Practice.  Skills Practice includes all of the math practice assignments that are required for students to complete in class.  If they do not finish in class, they are to finish these as homework.  This grade should always be a 100!  (Students are not graded for mastery here...they are graded on effort and for completing the practice to improve each skill.)  Math Practice includes the day to day activities in class that each student is required to demonstrate such as Perseverance, Problem Solving, Looking for Patterns, Modeling Mathematics, Making Use of Structure, Precision, etc.  These directly align with the Mathematical Practices State Standards.  Scores for both the Skills Practice and Math Practice grades will not be finalized until the Report Card is finalized at the end of the quarter.   
Every student has the opportunity to earn a 100 for the Formative Category if they put forth effort, participate in class and complete all of the Skills Practice Assignments before the end of each quarter!  If a grade in this category is reported as less than 100, your child is missing an assignment and can “double click” on the grade in Skyward to see what assignments were due for that particular grade.
The ultimate goal in this math class is for every student to become a better problem solver and critical thinker who makes progress, grows and learns something new every day!