I am struggling where can I go for help at home

Below you will find a table with a ton of resources.  The table is organised by units in our textbook.  Find the unit or lesson number in the left column of the table and then the resources will be to the right.
Our Textbook, workbook, and class notes can be accessed through TEAMS and our class notebook.
Many topics can be searched by skill
  • math antics (videos)
  • Khan Academy :Video lessons and practice problems you can search by keyword, grade level, standard, etc. 
  • Delta math: You may request specific assignment be assigned to you
Fun practice "games"
Number System
Lessons 1-8 in Textbook
Ratio and Proportional Relationships
Lessons 9-13 in the Textbook
Expressions and Equations
Lessons 14-17 in Textbook
Lessons 18-25 in the textbook
Statistics and Probability
Lessons 26-33B in the textbook