Laura Palkoner » Welcome to 8th grade science!

Welcome to 8th grade science!

Welcome to Ms. P's 8th grade science class.  
Below is our grading scale for this year:
90-100 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59 and below F
I will send messages to students and parents through Clever messenger.   Please check messenger for important messages.  ALL assignments will be loaded into TEAMS daily!  If your student is absent reminder that they need to check TEAMS.  If they are absent on a day of a test I ask that they email me.  

Student Supplies list for class this year:

  • 1 Composition notebook (100 pages) ( possibly two) 
  • Pencils (required EVERYDAY to write with)
  • Agenda or planner to keep up with assignments and due dates/ tests/ assessments.
  • Headphones- to be kept in the backpack daily.
  • Glue sticks for notebook

**Occasionally we may need some lab materials in which I will send out an email requesting anything I was unable to acquire**

Classroom Optional Donations:

  • Tissues
  • Lysol Spray
  • Paper Towels
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Glue sticks
  • Markers
Common Skyward questions:

Anything marked as 0 & missing in skyward is still eligible to be made up.

Anything marked * & missing has not been graded yet.

Anything that is 0 & NOT marked as missing is that true grade ineligible to be made up.

All assignments are available on TEAMS

All physical handouts are available in the classroom until I run out of copies. 


Please remember that I will respond to each and every email I receive but understand that I teach 160+ students a year.  It may take me a day or two to respond but I will respond to your email and concern.  We will have a wonderful year and I look forward to working with each and every one of you!