Quentin Mastin » Stuff to think about...

Stuff to think about...

Stone Ages
  1. What terms are used to describe time?
  2. How did early humans live? (nomadic, hunter-gatherers, etc)
  3. How did early humans adapt to the environment?
  4. How did metallurgy and agriculture change early humans?
  5. What steps lead to the development of civilization?

  1. Can I describe the geography of ancient Mesopotamia?
  2. Can I describe the early Mesopotamian empires of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon?
  3. Can I summarize ancient Mesopotamian religion?
  4. Can I discuss various Mesopotamian achievements?
  5. Who were Sargon and Hammurabi?                                                                                     
  1. Can I describe the geography of ancient Egypt?
  2. Can I summarize ancient Egyptian religion?
  3. Can I identify the Old. Middle and New Kingdoms of ancient Egypt?
  4. Can I create an Egyptian social pyramid?
  5. Can I discuss various Egyptian achievements?
  6. Can I explain the relationship between ancient Egypt and Nubia/Kush?
  7. Can I compare ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia?

  1. Can I describe the geography of ancient India?
  2. What are the basics of Hinduism and Buddhism?
  3. Can I discuss various ancient Indian achievements?
  4. Can I explain the caste system?
  5. How did the Aryans impact ancient India?
  6. Can I describe the Mauryan Empire and emperor Asoka?

  1. Can I describe the geography of ancient China?
  2. Can I discuss the Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties of ancient China?
  3. Can I explain Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism?
  4. Can I explain the significance of the Silk Road?

  1. Can I identify the geography of ancient Israel?
  2. Can I discuss the beginnings of ancient Israel? (migration, Abraham, Moses)
  3. What are the basics of Judaism?
  4. Can I describe ancient Israel's early kings?  (Saul, David, and Solomon)
  5. Can I explain the events that occurred in Israel's history after Solomon until the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome?
  6. Can I discuss later Mesopotamian empires? (Second Babylonian, Medes, Persia)

  1. Can I describe the geography of ancient Greece?
  2. Can I explain ancient Greece's impact on government?
  3. Can I compare and contrast Athens to Sparta?
  4. Can I discuss the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars?
  5. How did Alexander the Great impact ancient Greece and the world?
  6. Can I describe ancient Greek mythology?
  7. Can I discuss various Greek achievements?

  1. Can I describe the geography of ancient Rome?
  2. Can I discuss the Roman Republic including it's rise and it's government?
  3. Can I discuss the Roman Empire  and its territories?
  4. Can I explain how various individuals impacted ancient Rome?
  5. Can I identify various Roman achievements?
  6. Can I analyze the fall of the Roman empire?
  7. What are the basics of Christianity?
  8. Can I compare Roman mythology to Greek mythology?