Janet Cooper » Welcome to Technology Education - Computer Technology

Welcome to Technology Education - Computer Technology


Goal: Students will learn computer basics, Office 365, and an introduction to computer programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

The students are expected to: 

  • Respect the teacher, others, and the lab 
  • Be on time and prepared for class 
  • Stay in seats and on task – chair on four legs 
  • No food, drinks, or gum at the computer stations 
  • Follow directions 
  • Participate and complete work/projects 

Necessary supplies:   

  • Earbuds  
  • Good attitude and excitement to learn 

Every week you have an opportunity to earn a 100 for participationEach day of the week is worth 20 points. 

You will earn those 20 points daily by doing the following: 


  • Bell work and Bell work quizzes, as assigned - 10 points 
    • You must ‘TURN IN’ your assignments in TEAMs for me to see them and validate that you have completed itAnything not turned in on TEAMs will not be counted. 
  • Daily participating in class work – 10 points 
    • This will be checked every day – I can see how much you have worked on class work or a project at Khan Academy