Welcome to the Blackman Middle School Health Office

Welcome to the Blackman Middle School Health Office!


I am Nurse Kristi Hay, BSN, RN. I have lived in Murfreesboro for 22 years and have been a nurse for 32 years. I look forward to working with you and your child. The best way to contact me is through email: [email protected]. You may also call me at 615-904-3860 or send a fax to 615-904-3861.   

Please follow RCS Health Services on Twitter @Health_RCS for important health tips and news! 


Sign Out Student Medications

Please come to the school and pick up your student’s medication(s) on or before Wednesday May 28, 2025, the last full day of school. If medicines are not picked up by dismissal time on 5/28/25, they will be DISCARDED.

Medications cannot be stored at the school during the summer and students are not allowed to take medications home themselves. 

To pick up medication from the school:

  • Come to the school health office.
  • The school nurse or medication administrator from the office will return the medication to you.
  • You will need to sign that you have received your child’s medicine.

ONLY the emergency medications listed below may be picked up on the final 2-hour day, Friday 5/30/2025, but ONLY if this request has been communicated to the school nurse in writing prior to Wednesday 5/30/25.

  • Epi-Pens
  • Inhalers
  • seizure medication

**After school dismissal time on 5/30/25, ALL these medicines will also be discarded.