Lou Ann Chapuis » Welcome


Hello and I'm glad you are here! I am Mrs. Chapuis, ELA , 7A. I also am a Student Council Sponsor. I'm very excited to have your student in my class this year. Please know that my class can be found in much greater detail (handouts, all lessons, announcements, etc.) in your student's Schoology account. I have attached directions here if you'd like to set up your own Parent Account:
I will be posting an overview of weekly lessons here, but the best, much more detailed version can be found on Schoology, under Weekly PowerPoints. Please go there and click on the dates of the week you need to see.
I will also host Zoom Office Hours every Thursday from 12:30-1:00 for students who are home sick or quarantined. This will be a time they can personally ask questions they have, get help clearing up confusions that may exist, or just get some extra help. 
Of course,  email is always a great option for communication as well. Please know I have limited time throughout the day to check and respond to emails, so please be patient. 
I look forward to a fun and successful school year with your student!
Mrs. Chapuis